The microscopy images are available for the three proteins that were found to localize to the nucleus in response to sorbitol:
The image names provide the protein name, condition (synthetic complete or sorbitol), replicate (only applicable for Cin5 images), and time after sorbitol treatment (not applicable for SC images). In addition, all images for which the p-value of differential localization was reported in the main text or Supplementary Results have two additional corresponding files. *_bgSub.tif is the background-subtracted grayscale version of the image and * defines the regions of interest (ROIs) in the image. These files can be loaded into ImageJ to reproduce the pixel intensity measurements. Summary statistics for the pixel intensities of all ROIs and the t-test calculations used to determine significant differential nuclear localization can be found here.A summary of the flow cytometry analysis is available here. The raw data is available upon request.
The gene expression data from the knockouts in sorbitol have been uploaded to GEO (accession number GSE28213). A spreadsheet showing the significance of the overlap between knockout-affected genes and the SDREM regulatory paths can be found here.